I am a Spiritual Warrior. Love is my only sword, Faith my only shield. Truth my only map, Wisdom my only
commander. I stand for all that is good, I protect the light. I reject all that is evil, I conquer the darkness.
My wars are not fought on the battlefield. Wherever there is ignorance, hatred, suffering or fear I wage war.
Wars not fought with bombs and bullets. Wars where blood is not spilt or lives destroyed. Wars fought only with
truth and light. Wars where evil is conquered and darkness destroyed. I fight for no country or army. No leader,
money or power. I fight for the spirit of creation. I fight to clear the way so it's love and goodness, may once
again embrace all creation. I do all this selflessly and with humility. I cleanse my body, temple of the creative
force. I live in harmony with all things. I resist temptation and embrace enlightenment. I vigilantly toil to
gain knowledge and wisdom. And above all I stand firm as a beacon in the night, for all mankind to follow. I am
a Spiritual Warrior
By: Ryan Androsoff
The truth is we are here in the third dimension awakening to who we truely are. We are pure love, an energy that can't
die but continues to grow and evolve and forever merging with other energy sources.
We are connected like a web what we think and do affects each of us.The ultimate goal is to awake to our divine self
and to love with our whole heart and soul.
There comes a time in the evolution of every soul when the chief concern is no longer of the physical but the spiritual
nor attainment of worldly success but the realization of Self.
Marie Southern
What does it mean to be a "Spiritual Warrior" ? A spiritual warrior is a person that has found their inner spirit
or truth and understood that in order to be a human being one has to be attuned to it at all times. This means to struggle
and fight against all kinds of inner and outer obstacles. Hence spiritual peace or bliss is a result of fight, personal vigor
and application of will-power. Struggling and fighting against personal and collective hindrances with utmost intention
and discipline is the "innersport" of a spiritual warrior. This attempt to liberate oneself from crudeness is also termed
Tantra (Tan=crudeness, Tra=liberation). Tantra is a universal concept practiced in all ages and has also been termed Daota
or simply Dao. Some of its timeless principles and ideas are used in this program to help us expand our limited beliefs and
sentiments. " The main characteristic of Tantra is that it represents human vigor. it represents a pactless fight... It
is an impossibility to conquer a crude idea and to replace it by a subtle idea without a fight... Jump into your environment
without the least hesitation. Don't be afraid. Fear will leave you step by step... " P.R. Sarkar