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4 February 2005

Mood:  a-ok
Ever have a dream where you just can't seem to make any sense out of it and it repeats over and over in your mind until you think you will go crazy thinking about it?
Well I have had a few like that a couple that made alot of sense shortly after I had the dreams. I dreamt I caught a fish but felt it was too small,so I started shaking it off my line. The harder I shook the larger the fish got until it became as big as a whale. It shouted at me to release it or it will kill me like it did the last one who caught it. After it said this it opened its mouth and inside was a dead man dressed in a black suit.
Of course when I awoke I was quite shaken by the dream and wondered why I had such a dream.Later that day I had a doctors appointment and was told I had breast cancer. So you see the connection now? A small problem I didn't want to pay attention to became a larger one,one that almost killed me.
A few days later I dreamed of an old man fishing. I asked him which way I should take,there was three bends up the river. He said the middle one was the most dangerous but the most rewarding. So I told him I choose the middle path.I soon found out the meaning of this dream as I was soon to receive chemo and radiation treatments.After the first chemo treatment I read more about it,the pros and cons. I chose to heal myself by eating right and drinking lots of good energized water. Keeping positive during all this made a big difference in my health and attitude. I believe I drew cancer to me because I didn't really care if I lived or died at that point.I neglected my health and spiritual life so much I became lonely,bored and careless. The fear of losing my life gave me the will to live and a new outlook on life.I now see the world with fresh eyes and a clear heart and mind. I value my time I have left and hope my story helps another value theirs.

Posted by spiritseek at 9:46 PM EST

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